
Tavistock, ON

Pavilion in Queen’s Park Centre


April 5, 2025

Starting at 9am
Ending at 4pm


Ages 10 to 14

Teams of Four


Free Lunch/Hat

Chance to Win Prizes!


About the Tournament

The Tavistock Kids Annual Road Hockey Tournament is a free road hockey tournament for kids ages 10 to 14 in Tavistock, Ontario and the surrounding communities. The next tournament is scheduled for April 5, 2025.

The tournament starts at 9am and is held at the pavilion in Queen’s Park Centre. Lunch will be provided free of charge at noon.

The awards ceremony will follow with medals and a trophy being provided to the winning team. Everyone is guaranteed to receive a hat as well as a chance to win hockey equipment, jerseys and much more!

The Tavistock Kids Annual Road Hockey Tournament is a Christian event and is sponsored by the Tavistock Bible Chapel. The tournament aims to provide a safe and fun environment to enjoy the game of hockey while also providing a venue to share the Good News about Jesus Christ found in the Bible. Each tournament we have a short presentation from a guest speaker about hockey and the Christian faith.

Before registering, please review our rules. Please note that all players need a hockey helmet and full face protector. In addition to this, goalies should bring equipment. Referees will provide penalties for slashing, tripping, body contact or abusive language.

The Trophy


The trophy is kept at the Tavistock Bible Chapel when not at the tournament. Each year the winning team name is engraved on the trophy.

Past Winners

2014 – Fat Penguins
2015 – Meno Knights
2016 – Howies
2017 – Beer League Beauties
2018 – The Awesome Athletics
2019 – Da Bois Are Back
2022 – St Mary’s Junior Lincolns
2023 – Wolves
2024 – Wolves


The tournament scheduled for April 5, 2025 is full at the moment.

If you are still interested, please fill in the waitlist form below.
If there is a cancellation, we will call/email the people on the list to fill the spot.